If you know how to build OpenLDAP manually, and would like to participate in testing the next set of code for the 2.4.32 release, please do so.
Generally, get the code for RE24:
Configure & build.
Execute the test suite (via make test) after it is built.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Sr. Member of Technical Staff Zimbra, Inc A Division of VMware, Inc. -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
If you know how to build OpenLDAP manually, and would like to participate in testing the next set of code for the 2.4.32 release, please do so.
All tests passing here on my Ubuntu 12.04 x86-64 laptop.
On 27 Jul 2012, at 03:43, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
All tests pass on Scientific Linux 6.2 64bit, bdb 4.8.30.
Cheers Toby Blake School of Informatics University of Edinburgh
Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
If you know how to build OpenLDAP manually, and would like to participate in testing the next set of code for the 2.4.32 release, please do so.
make test worked.
But I see a strange effect when using slapo-constraint which I did not see with RE24 pulled from git two days ago. I have some customer setups with various constraints. If nothing pop ups in your mind I'd try to provide a test config.
git log shows a commit related to slapo-constraint but over a month ago:
commit f0308c497b4fa7730cc9005679770528b911a805 Author: Jan Synacek jsynacek@redhat.com Date: Tue Jun 19 07:00:26 2012 +0200
ITS#7168 Fix count constraint when using multiple modifications
Constraint overlay doesn't take into account multiple modifications when using count.
Red Hat Bugzilla: #742163
Ciao, Michael.
--On Friday, July 27, 2012 10:04 PM +0200 Michael Ströder michael@stroeder.com wrote:
Over a month ago for master. Yesterday for RE24.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Sr. Member of Technical Staff Zimbra, Inc A Division of VMware, Inc. -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
--On Friday, July 27, 2012 10:23 PM +0200 Michael Ströder michael@stroeder.com wrote:
Please file an ITS with example, thanks.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Sr. Member of Technical Staff Zimbra, Inc A Division of VMware, Inc. -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
Michael Ströder wrote:
After reviewing ITS#7168 one more remark:
web2ldap always deletes attributes by value of if a EQUALITY matching rule is avaiable for the attribute.
So instead of
replace: departmentNumber departmentNumber: new_number
web2ldap sends
delete: departmentNumber departmentNumber: old_number - add: departmentNumber departmentNumber: new_number -
Hope that helps.
Ciao, Michael.