I'm running into what appears to be an issue with my olcDatabase meta configuration that appears to be a bottleneck limiting me to 16 concurrent operations when working through the meta database.
This seems suspiciously similar to the olcDbConnectionPoolMax setting I've seen in many examples and the value I usually encounter of 16. The schema definition doesn't clear it up entirely, either:
olcAttributeTypes: ( OLcfgDbAt:3.23 NAME 'olcDbConnectionPoolMax' DESC 'Max size of privileged connections pool' SYNTAX OMsInteger SINGLE- VALUE )
While I assume that this sets the maximum size of the backend connection pool, I'm confused by the word "privileged" in this situation.
Can someone explain what this setting controls or point me towards documentation?
Thanks in advance!
~Eric C. J.
Jongeling, Eric C wrote:
I'm running into what appears to be an issue with my olcDatabase meta configuration that appears to be a bottleneck limiting me to 16 concurrent operations when working through the meta database.
That's typical for a slapd with the default number of threads.