I would like to change the objectClass for an existing record - specifically I want to replace dcObject for a custom one, so instead of: objectClass: top objectClass: dcObject objectClass: organization
I would have: objectClass: top objectClass: myDcObject objectClass: organization
I found a thread where Kurt mentions that back in day, there was planned support for 2.4 to offer such functionality. [ http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200604/msg00074.html ] Was this done? It is working now?
Is there a specific issue deleting the organization object? From the same email, I know that older OpenLDAP releases did not support modifying objectClass. I tried to delete the entry so the recreate it the I want it to look. Unfortunately, it is not working. I get an error as below: $ ldapdelete -D cn=config -W -x dc=directory,dc=com
I am able to delete regular entries, fine.
Igor Shmukler
Igor Shmukler wrote:
Did you try? If yes, what's the problem?
The above posting was solely about modifying the structural object class of an entry (which is forbidden).
You can change auxiliary object classes at any time after entry creation. Of course you have to take care about changed attribute sets - especially the ones listed as MUST. So if myDcObject is an auxiliary object class it's not a problem at all.
Ciao, Michael.
Am Mittwoch, 25. März 2015 13:34 CET, Michael Ströder michael@stroeder.com schrieb:
... and the atrribute used as the RDN (unless that attribute is present in both the old and the new oject class' MAY).
Cheers, RalfD