Hi, Using version 2.4.23 with TLS. In slapd.conf the TLSCACertificatePath directive specifies the directory containing the certificate for the CA and the CRL. The content of this directory is hashed with c_rehash utilities. Everything works fine, but when a client certificate is revoked (ad a new CRL is created) i must restart the server to make it upgraded with the new CRL. Is there a way to do this, without having to reboot (a hot refresh of the CRL)? Thanks. gnigro
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Gianluigi Nigro wrote:
Hi, Using version 2.4.23 with TLS. In slapd.conf the TLSCACertificatePath directive specifies the directory containing the certificate for the CA and the CRL. The content of this directory is hashed with c_rehash utilities. Everything works fine, but when a client certificate is revoked (ad a new CRL is created) i must restart the server to make it upgraded with the new CRL. Is there a way to do this, without having to reboot (a hot refresh of the CRL)? Thanks. gnigro
There's no explicit mechanism to refresh the CRL. However, if you use cn=config and modify the TLS settings, it will reinitialize the entire TLS context, including reloading the CRL.