We have some groups that contain over 250,000 members.
Are there any general tips for improving performance when applications/code attempts to lookup memberOf values in the ldap?
For example, I have something like ou=SomeGroup,ou=Groups,o=ourOrg.
ou=SomeGroup has over 250,000 memberOf: values. Attempting to modify, search, insert, etc.. into that memberOf multivalue field takes over 20 seconds per user.
Jason Whitener wrote:
We have some groups that contain over 250,000 members.
Are there any general tips for improving performance when applications/code attempts to lookup memberOf values in the ldap?
For example, I have something like ou=SomeGroup,ou=Groups,o=ourOrg.
ou=SomeGroup has over 250,000 memberOf: values. Attempting to modify, search, insert, etc.. into that memberOf multivalue field takes over 20 seconds per user.
That sounds a bit odd. Groups should have member attributes, not memberOf.
You should consider using the sortvals config directive in slapd.