I was reading https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4512; there is a mention of attribute description, but there is no mention of 'attribute name'; or the name using which attributes are referred to.
Does such a thing exist or is one of the attribute options used as the name to refer to it or is it in the attribute description?
On 04/12/15 09:21, dE wrote:
I was reading https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4512; there is a mention of attribute description, but there is no mention of 'attribute name'; or the name using which attributes are referred to.
Does such a thing exist or is one of the attribute options used as the name to refer to it or is it in the attribute description?
Ok, got it
An attribute is often referred to by its attribute description. For example, the 'givenName' attribute is the attribute th...