Quite some time ago, Pierangelo Masarati wrote a patch to brind ctrl and exop support to PHP. Unfortunately the patch was never checked in upstream and broke with PHP 5.3
I trieed to upgrade the patch for PHP 5.3 support. Here is my first attempt, which builds on PHP 5.3.17: http://ftp.espci.fr/shadow/manu/ldap-ctrl-exop-20121025.patch
I successfully tested ldap_exop_passwd, ldap_exop_whoami, and ldap_refresh.
Everything else was not tested and is broken without any doubt (zend_parse_parameters 3rd argument is wrong, it should probably be Z more often).
Feel free to help, either by fixing the remaining bits, or by providing a test case for the broken parts (I never used controls and therefore I am not going to do it).