I've filed this bug and the patch as ITS#7138. Thanks.
http://www.openldap.org/its/index.cgi?findid=7138 ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/openldap-2.4.28-smbk5pwd-fix-shadow-support.patch
At Fri, 27 Jan 2012 11:16:39 -0800, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
I tried to get the smbk5pwd overlay working on SLES11 (openldap 2.4.26). Unfortunately the slapd server crashes when I try to change a password as soon as the overlay is enabled. Running the server either with strace or gdb shows the following as cause for the crash: mods.c:64: modify_add_values: Assertion `mod->sm_numvals == i' failed.
It's my fault. Sorry. Please apply the attached patch and retry.
OpenLDAP developers, could you merge this patch to the upstream?
Please submit the patch you want merged via the ITS system.