From: Quanah Gibson-Mount Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 9:43 PM
beginning, and will see if it does it again. When it happens to your client in production, how do you resolve it?
You can gdb slapd, and manually fix the serverID in the syncinfo
or you can restart all your slapd servers.
How are you detecting when it starts? On my dev system, the first symptom is massive memory use by the slapd process, followed by an alert that the accesslog db is over 80% full. Then slapd processes start getting killed off by the OOM mechanism and my dev environment basically implodes. If it happened in production, odds are I wouldn't catch it in time to keep things from going south. How do you trim out the extremely large number of duplicate entries in the accesslog when you are cleaning up after an occurrence in one of your production environments?
Hopefully the underlying issue will be sorted out soon. I'm just going to tell our security guys they are not going to get their account lockouts as long as the password policy module puts my dev environment into conniptions :).
Off-topic, is there a secret handshake for the developer list or something ;)? The couple of messages I posted after I subscribed still haven't shown up, and a couple of inquiries I made on this list about the moderation on that list were never responded to <sigh>...