Michael Ströder wrote:
An Æ-DIR installation with self-compiled OpenLDAP 2.4.53 on Debian (now buster) has memory leak issues on the Æ-DIR providers. The read-only consumers do not have this issue. The provider config is more complex with more overlays.
slapd is automatically restarted (by monit) when memory consumption reaches 80%. Thus monitoring clearly shows a frequent saw tooth pattern.
I'm experimenting with valgrind to track down the issue:
valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes --verbose --log-file=valgrind-out.txt -- /opt/openldap-ms/libexec/slapd [...]
Does that make sense or are some other command-line options needed?
I've usually just used --leak-check=full, never needed any other options.
But valgrind runs about 50x slower than realtime, I'd recommend using https://github.com/hyc/mleak/ instead. It's faster than all other leak checkers, makes it practical to use in near production-level loads.