I am testing a bit with bind's. With consecutive binds with the
test account I always get 'result not in cache'. How can I get this
access_allowed: result not in cache (userPassword)
6628dba5.0659c27a 0x7ff072843b38 conn=1023 op=0 BIND
dn="uid=test,dc=me,dc=local" method=128
6628dba5.0660ea46 0x7ff072843b38 => access_allowed: result not in
6628dba5.066470b9 0x7ff072843b38 => access_allowed: auth access to
"uid=test,dc=me,dc=local " "userPassword" requested
6628dba5.0667703c 0x7ff072843b38 => slap_access_allowed: backend
default auth access granted to "(anonymous)"
6628dba5.0668099f 0x7ff072843b38 => access_allowed: auth access
by read(=rscxd)
I think you need to index the userPassword attribute. For that you
to add the appropriate olcDBIndex entry to your database configuration.
After doing this :
mv slapd.ldif slapd.ldif.bak
adding to the mdb section in slapd.conf index userPassword pres,eq
/etc/openldap # slapindex userPassword /etc/openldap # echo $? 0
I am still getting this access_allowed: result not in cache (userPassword)
Or is this related to adding openldap-overlay-proxycache ?
Am just testing with an alpine linux container and an ldap db with ~10 entries, almost nothing. Yet when I look in top res memory is 700MB. So I assume everything is already cached, but I don't really get then this logging. I don't even get why 700MB is being used, my data is probably a few 100KB.