Stefan Kania wrote:
Looking at the adminhandbook to 2.6 I found
Looks like you should file an ITS against the docs. olcDbCacheSize is a back-bdb/hdb parameter, not back-mdb.
The configuration for the databas for pcache:
dn: olcDatabase={0}mdb,olcOverlay={0}pcache,olcDatabase={2}ldap,cn=config objectClass: olcMdbConfig objectClass: olcPcacheDatabase olcDatabase: {0}mdb olcDbDirectory: ./testrun/db.2.a olcDbCacheSize: 20 olcDbIndex: objectClass eq olcDbIndex: cn,sn,uid,mail pres,eq,sub
But I'm getting:
adding new entry "olcDatabase={0}mdb,olcOverlay={1}pcache,olcDatabase={1}ldap,cn=config" ldap_add: Undefined attribute type (17) additional info: olcDbCacheSize: attribute type undefined
The back_mdb module is loaded.