Well, I can say that I operate OpenLDAP at an "enterprise" level and the configuration do not change very often here. The dynamic configuration is something that could be useful but definetly is not required for me.
I also think the term "enterprise-grade" is misleading. There is a lot of junk software out there which call themselves "enterprise solution" but in fact are just garbage. I can give a list of LDAP servers which have dynamic configuration but can't scale, can't keep data sync between the servers, fail frequently and etc.
At the end of the day the most important thing for me and business people is stability/performance and if one can't configure OpenLDAP with all man pages and documentation that it have, maybe it's in the wrong role.
Em 13-05-2014 16:47, Simone Piccardi escreveu:
On 13/05/2014 11:01, Mike Jackson wrote:
In any case, dynamic configuration IS an enterprise-grade/carrier-grade feature as opposed to static configuration.
I don't need anything of this. I just need a simple LDAP server for a small business, where the complexity of dynamic configuration is just a cost with no benefit.
And anyway a lot of services (bind, apache, posfix just to name a few) implemented dynamic configuration by the means of a kill -HUP.
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