Le 21/05/2019 à 09:33, Olivier - a écrit :
Hi all,
I have to re-write a shcema but i'm beginner with this. I would like to add some attributes to describe service.
We use a AUXILIARY class to add some attributes :
objectclass ( NAME 'intService' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY (...))
We have an object using this objectclass and other : dn: idService=196018, dmdName=Services, dc=fr objectClass: intService objectClass: organizationalUnit
Now i would like to transform this object in static group so I use GroupOfnames and I got this error :
Object class violation (65) additional info: invalid structural object class chain (organizationalUnit/groupOfNames)
Why can't I use groupOfNames with organizationalUnit ? Or is it another problem ?
This is a schema restriction, you can't mix structural object classes inside an entry (unless they belong to the same chain, like person/organizationalPerson/inetOrgPerson).
So you can't have groupOfNames and organizationalUnit. Choose one of them.