Few questions regarding dynlist as a replacement of memberof overlay.
Version: 2.5.13+dfsg-2~bpo11+1 on debian bullseye
1) in relatively simple environment (2 servers, multiprovider, syncrepl
and keepalived) we've been using memberof overlay - with memberOf
explicitly filtered out in syncrepl configuration (exattrs=memberOf).
This has been working fine so far across many versions - but considering
the warning in slapo-memberof manpage is this overlay used in this
fashion safe or are there other issues that eventually might show up ?
2) I've been experimenting a bit with dynlist as a replacement; judging
from examples/manual it seems it was primarily created to populate a
dynamic group while doing the search over users under a constraint of a
filter; but it seems it's working just fine in reverse way as well, e.g.
dynlist config: olcDynListAttrSet = toukPerson labeledURI dgMemberOf
group with manually added members: cn=ADM,ou=TouK,ou=Group,dc=touk,dc=pl
a user: uniqueMember=cn=Michał Sołtys,ou=Touki,ou=People,dc=touk,dc=pl
and relevant attributes in user's entry:
objectClass = toukPerson
labeledURI =
This seems to be doing what we are expecting - populating dynamically
dgMemberOf with the groups the user has membership in. While this is
working, is it ok to use this overlay in this fashion (search over
groups instead of over users) ?
3) my last question is more of a curiosity - what case scenario are for
additional [+<memberOf-ad>[@<static-oc>[*]]] attributes ? No matter what
I tried in what way, neither +memberOf-ad nor +static-oc had any effect