Hi to all,
the manpage of the slapo-dynlist is showing the following example:
A dynamic group with dgIdentity authorization could be created
with an entry like
dn: cn=Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: groupOfURLs
objectClass: dgIdentityAux
cn: Dynamic Group
dgIdentity: cn=Group Proxy,ou=Services,dc=example,…
[View More]dc=com
I can't find an explanation of the attribute "dgIdentity", it's not
mentioned what is "cn=Group Proxy,ou=Services,dc=example,dc=com".
Can someone explain it please.
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How do I enable this overlay if I'm using slapd-config? Sorry, I've been
reading all of the Zytrex documentation, but it's going right over my
head. Especially the slapd-config stuff...
On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 12:10 PM Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah(a)fast-mail.org>
> --On Monday, March 6, 2023 11:23 AM -0700 Eric Fetzer
> <eric.fetzer(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> >
> > I need to add to my schema on my freshly …
[View More]built server.
> If you're using OpenLDAP 2.5 or later, the ppolicy schema is built into
> the
> ppolicy overlay and you should not be loading it separately at all. I
> would note that all releases prior to OpenLDAP 2.5 are historic and not
> supported.
> Regards,
> Quanah
[View Less]
after upgrade from 2.5.13->2.5.14 i cant get any search result from
slapd when filtering for specific memberOf=value. If i downgrade back to
slapd 2.5.13 all is working again.
It doesnt work with ldapsearch nor with sssd-ldap modul when filtering
entities with a specific memberOf=Value:
ldapsearch -o ldif-wrap=no -LLL -x -ZZ -H ldap://ldap-server -b
OUR_BASE_DN '(memberOf=.........)' memberOf uid
ldapsearch shows the entities with memberOf attribute and the …
[View More]memberOf
value if i search without a specific memberOf value in the filter:
ldapsearch -o ldif-wrap=no -LLL -x -ZZ -H ldap://ldap-server -b
OUR_BASE-DN memberOf
The dynlist config is:
dynlist-attrset labeledURIObject labeledURI memberOf
[View Less]
We're having some problems with replication and password changes. Let me
explain... In our institution we are using Shibboleth to provide SSO to the
users. The credentials are stored in OpenLDAP, but due to the high demand
(100 auths/second) and the high volume (more than 700K users), we had to
split it in three servers:
- one is the producer, which receives all of the changes (both data and
password changes),
- two are the consumers, sync'd with the producer via syncrepl.
[View More]The two consumers are behind a load balancer and are used to perform the
BINDs and the user lookup.
The problem that we are facing is that in some cirscunstances (maybe high
load, high traffic?) the syncrepl lasts more than expected, and that causes
the next situation:
1. an user changes its password, the object changes its modifyTimestamp
to T1
2. before the syncrepl gets to replicate that change, the user tries to
authenticate with the new password, the balancer assigns one of the
consumers (say C1), tries to bind, but the password is not yet changed, so
it fails recording one pwdFailureTime and updating its modifyTimestamp to T2
3. when syncrepl tries to update the object in C1, T2 is older than T1
so it refuses to change the object ("dn_callback : new entry is older
than ours cn=XXXXX,dc=acces,dc=uoc,dc=edu ours
20230313155537.264968Z#000000#00d#000000, new
20230313155506.235663Z#000000#00b#000000 ")
Resulting in one user with the password changed in the provider and in only
one of the consumers.
Have you found the same problem? Maybe is there something wrong in our
Thanks a lot.
Manolo García
Arquitecte de Solucions
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
689 88 30 93 | mgarciaal(a)uoc.edu
[image: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya]
Us informem que les vostres dades identificatives i les
contingudes en els missatges electrònics i fitxers adjunts es poden
incorporar a les nostres bases de dades amb la finalitat de gestionar les
relacions i comunicacions vinculades a la UOC, i que es poden conservar
mentre es mantingui la relació. Si ho voleu, podeu exercir el dret a
accedir a les vostres dades, rectificar-les i suprimir-les i altres drets
reconeguts normativament adreçant-vos a l'adreça de correu emissora o a
fuoc_pd(a)uoc.edu <mailto:fuoc_pd@uoc.edu>.
Aquest missatge i qualsevol
fitxer que porti adjunt, si escau, tenen el caràcter de confidencials i
s'adrecen únicament a la persona o entitat a qui s'han enviat.
mateix, posem a la vostra disposició un delegat de protecció de dades que
no només s'encarregarà de supervisar tots els tractaments de dades de la
nostra entitat, sinó que us podrà atendre per a qualsevol qüestió
relacionada amb el tractament de dades. La seva adreça de contacte és
dpd(a)uoc.edu <mailto:dpd@uoc.edu>.
Os informamos de que vuestros
datos identificativos y los contenidos en los mensajes electrónicos y
ficheros adjuntos pueden incorporarse a nuestras bases de datos con el fin
de gestionar las relaciones y comunicaciones vinculadas a la UOC, y de que
pueden conservarse mientras se mantenga la relación. Si lo deseáis, podéis
ejercer el derecho a acceder a vuestros datos, rectificarlos y suprimirlos
y otros derechos reconocidos normativamente dirigiéndoos a la dirección de
correo emisora o a fuoc_pd(a)uoc.edu <mailto:fuoc_pd@uoc.edu>.
Este mensaje y
cualquier fichero que lleve adjunto, si procede, tienen el carácter de
confidenciales y se dirigen únicamente a la persona o entidad a quien se
han enviado.
Así mismo, ponemos a vuestra disposición a un delegado de
protección de datos que no solo se encargará de supervisar todos los
tratamientos de datos de nuestra entidad, sino que podrá atenderos para
cualquier cuestión relacionada con el tratamiento de datos. Su dirección de
contacto es dpd(a)uoc.edu <mailto:dpd@uoc.edu>.
Your personal data and the data
contained in your email messages and attached files may be stored in our
databases for the purpose of maintaining relations and communications
linked to the UOC, and the data may be stored for as long as these
relations and communications are maintained. If you so wish, you can
exercise your rights to access, rectification and erasure of your data, and
any other legally held rights, by writing to the sender’s email address or
to fuoc_pd(a)uoc.edu <http://fuoc_pd@uoc.edu>.
This message and, where
applicable, any attachments are confidential and addressed solely to the
individual or organization they were sent to.
The UOC has a data protection
officer who not only supervises the data processing carried out at the
University, but who will also respond to any questions you may have about
this data processing. You can contact our data protection officer by
writing to dpd(a)uoc.edu <http://dpd@uoc.edu>.
[View Less]
On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 10:50 AM Quanah Gibson-Mount
<quanah(a)fast-mail.org> wrote:
> --On Thursday, March 16, 2023 11:29 AM -0400 Jeffrey Walton
> <noloader(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> >> This doesn't make sense. You should be using an ldapv3 password modify
> >> operation on the user account in question and letting the server do the
> >> hashing (and also allows password policies, if deployed, to be used).
> >
> > If I understand …
[View More]things correctly... The server does not hash the
> > password. The server never gets to see the plaintext password.
> You don't.
> > See
> > https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/379034.1673389287%40sss.pgh.pa.us .
> What does a thread about how postgres works have to do with OpenLDAP or the
> LDAP protocol?
My bad... I crossed my mailing lists.
[View Less]
You're right, sorry.
We are running version 2.4.44:
OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.44 (Jan 29 2019 17:42:45)
Thanks !
El jue, 16 mar 2023 a las 15:14, Quanah Gibson-Mount (<quanah(a)fast-mail.org>)
> --On Thursday, March 16, 2023 11:12 AM +0100 Manolo Garcia Alvarez
> <mgarciaal(a)uoc.edu> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hello.
> >
> > We're having some problems with replication and password changes. Let me
> > explain... In our …
[View More]institution we are using Shibboleth to provide SSO to
> > the users. The credentials are stored in OpenLDAP, but due to the high
> > demand (100 auths/second) and the high volume (more than 700K users), we
> > had to split it in three servers:
> Thta's not high volume or a large amount of users (just to note). You
> didn't provide any information on the version of OpenLDAP in use, which is
> critical information.
> --Quanah
Manolo García
Arquitecte de Solucions
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
689 88 30 93 | mgarciaal(a)uoc.edu
[image: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya]
Us informem que les vostres dades identificatives i les
contingudes en els missatges electrònics i fitxers adjunts es poden
incorporar a les nostres bases de dades amb la finalitat de gestionar les
relacions i comunicacions vinculades a la UOC, i que es poden conservar
mentre es mantingui la relació. Si ho voleu, podeu exercir el dret a
accedir a les vostres dades, rectificar-les i suprimir-les i altres drets
reconeguts normativament adreçant-vos a l'adreça de correu emissora o a
fuoc_pd(a)uoc.edu <mailto:fuoc_pd@uoc.edu>.
Aquest missatge i qualsevol
fitxer que porti adjunt, si escau, tenen el caràcter de confidencials i
s'adrecen únicament a la persona o entitat a qui s'han enviat.
mateix, posem a la vostra disposició un delegat de protecció de dades que
no només s'encarregarà de supervisar tots els tractaments de dades de la
nostra entitat, sinó que us podrà atendre per a qualsevol qüestió
relacionada amb el tractament de dades. La seva adreça de contacte és
dpd(a)uoc.edu <mailto:dpd@uoc.edu>.
Os informamos de que vuestros
datos identificativos y los contenidos en los mensajes electrónicos y
ficheros adjuntos pueden incorporarse a nuestras bases de datos con el fin
de gestionar las relaciones y comunicaciones vinculadas a la UOC, y de que
pueden conservarse mientras se mantenga la relación. Si lo deseáis, podéis
ejercer el derecho a acceder a vuestros datos, rectificarlos y suprimirlos
y otros derechos reconocidos normativamente dirigiéndoos a la dirección de
correo emisora o a fuoc_pd(a)uoc.edu <mailto:fuoc_pd@uoc.edu>.
Este mensaje y
cualquier fichero que lleve adjunto, si procede, tienen el carácter de
confidenciales y se dirigen únicamente a la persona o entidad a quien se
han enviado.
Así mismo, ponemos a vuestra disposición a un delegado de
protección de datos que no solo se encargará de supervisar todos los
tratamientos de datos de nuestra entidad, sino que podrá atenderos para
cualquier cuestión relacionada con el tratamiento de datos. Su dirección de
contacto es dpd(a)uoc.edu <mailto:dpd@uoc.edu>.
Your personal data and the data
contained in your email messages and attached files may be stored in our
databases for the purpose of maintaining relations and communications
linked to the UOC, and the data may be stored for as long as these
relations and communications are maintained. If you so wish, you can
exercise your rights to access, rectification and erasure of your data, and
any other legally held rights, by writing to the sender’s email address or
to fuoc_pd(a)uoc.edu <http://fuoc_pd@uoc.edu>.
This message and, where
applicable, any attachments are confidential and addressed solely to the
individual or organization they were sent to.
The UOC has a data protection
officer who not only supervises the data processing carried out at the
University, but who will also respond to any questions you may have about
this data processing. You can contact our data protection officer by
writing to dpd(a)uoc.edu <http://dpd@uoc.edu>.
[View Less]
Environment="SLAPD_URLS=ldap:/// ldapi:/// ldaps:///"
Environment="SLAPD_OPTIONS=-F /etc/openldap/slapd.d"
ExecStart=/usr/libexec/slapd -u ldap -g ldap -h ${SLAPD_URLS} $SLAPD_OPTIONS
Yes, there is a slapd.d directory.
On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 8:08 AM Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah(a)fast-mail.org>
> --On Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:11 AM -0600 Eric Fetzer
> <eric.fetzer(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Looking at my slapd.…
[View More]conf file, I have a bunch of olc settings in it.
> > Does that mean I'm OLC? I installed it using this
> > site: https://computingforgeeks.com/install-configure-openldap-server-
> > centos/
> What options is slapd running with? Is there a "slapd.d" directory where
> its configuration is deployed?
> --Quanah
[View Less]
On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 10:08 AM Quanah Gibson-Mount
<quanah(a)fast-mail.org> wrote:
> --On Saturday, March 11, 2023 7:51 PM +0100 Stefan Kania
> <stefan(a)kania-online.de> wrote:
> > For a rootdn
> > -------------------
> > dn: olcDatabase={2}mdb,cn=config
> > changetype: modify
> > replace: olcRootPW
> > olcRootPW:
> > {ARGON2}$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$ZGJmZ2lrbmpiZHZzZ3NhdmRzZw$J6eXYSxY4
> > …
[View More]tDs4l8SdBkIwcAU0OqEEdR0gpFNJ5MSqQs
> > -------------------
> This makes sense, since you can't use the ldapv3 password modify operation
> to update this password value.
> > and a posix or simpleSecurityObject:
> > -------------------
> > dn: uid=repl-user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=net
> > changetype: modify
> > replace: userPassword
> > userPassword:
> > {ARGON2}$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$c2FsdHNsYXQ5ODc2NTQzMg$Td51W49s0X74o
> > m++/EnMRsP4La3x46KufcGGY01T8+M
> > -------------------
> This doesn't make sense. You should be using an ldapv3 password modify
> operation on the user account in question and letting the server do the
> hashing (and also allows password policies, if deployed, to be used).
If I understand things correctly... The server does not hash the
password. The server never gets to see the plaintext password.
See https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/379034.1673389287%40sss.pgh.pa.us .
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