With Openldap 24, postfix 2.8, I want to add the following entries in mydestination.cf file into my openldap database,
Content of file mydestination.cf:
server_host = server_port = 389 search_base = lookupName=mydestination,cn=postfix,cn=mailstore,ou=server,ou=edv,dc=example,dc=net scope = sub timeout = 30 bind = yes bind_dn = cn=postfix,ou=system,ou=accounts,dc=example,dc=net bind_pw = XXXXXXXXXX version = 3 start_tls = no query_filter = (lookupKey=%s) result_attribute = lookupValue
My current openldap entry is shown below: # cat initial.ldif dn: dc=ip6,dc=com,dc=au objectClass: top objectClass: dcObject objectClass: organization o: IP6 Networks dc: ip6
# super user node dn: cn=root,dc=ip6,dc=com,dc=au objectclass: organizationalRole objectclass: simpleSecurityObject cn: root description: LDAP administrator userPassword: {MD5}cW2LX0AjZxSBzv/mflD3xQ==
According to my current initial openldap database entries, can I change the entires in the mydesitination.cf file into the following data?
search_base = lookupName=mydestination,cn=postfix,ou=hometest,dc=ip6,dc=com,dc=au scope = sub timeout = 30 bind = yes bind_dn = cn=postfix,ou=accounts,dc=ip6,dc=com,dc=au bind_pw = {MD5}cW2LX0AjZxSBzv/mflD3xQ==
Very appreciate for any suggestion and help.
Thanks Sam