Trying to better understand the contextCSN attribute. ContextCSN is formatted like:
My question is on the SID part: ServerID.
I have the following serverID configuration in our 4-server Multi-Master PoC setup:
serverID 222 ldaps://ldapm01.company.com serverID 221 ldaps://ldapm02.company.com serverID 212 ldaps://ldapm03.company.com serverID 211 ldaps://ldapm04.company.com
And when I (quick and dirty) check contextCSN using slapcat (I know that ldapsearch is the better way) I get:
[root@ldapm04 ~]# slapcat | grep contextcsn -i contextCSN: 20180917142109.765066Z#000000#000#000000 contextCSN: 20230622151102.137085Z#000000#001#000000 contextCSN: 20230622151105.174343Z#000000#002#000000 contextCSN: 20230627112536.529432Z#000000#0dd#000000 contextCSN: 20230627112536.529512Z#000000#0de#000000
The first 2018 contextCSN is irrelevant (it has alwas been there, and I should probably try to get rid of it) but the last four seem to be the "actual" configured replication 'lines' on each node to the other three, like this:
syncrepl rid=2?4 provider=ldaps://ldapm0?.company.com:636 bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=replication,ou=Directory Access,o=company,c=com" credentials=very_secret searchbase="o=company,c=com" filter="(objectClass=*)" scope=sub schemachecking=on type=refreshAndPersist retry="60 +" attrs="*,+" tls_reqcert=demand syncrepl rid=2?4 provider=ldaps://ldapm0?.company.com:636 bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=replication,ou=Directory Access,o=company,c=com" credentials=very_secret searchbase="o=company,c=com" filter="(objectClass=*)" scope=sub schemachecking=on type=refreshAndPersist retry="60 +" attrs="*,+" tls_reqcert=demand syncrepl rid=2?4 provider=ldaps://ldapm0?.company.com:636 bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=replication,ou=Directory Access,o=company,c=com" credentials=very_secret searchbase="o=company,c=com" filter="(objectClass=*)" scope=sub schemachecking=on type=refreshAndPersist retry="60 +" attrs="*,+" tls_reqcert=demand
Now the actual question:
contextCSN displays these SID's: 001, 002, 0dd, 0de. None of which I have configured *anywhere*. Not as a SID, not as a RID, as can be seen above.
Yet: all info I can find tells me that the third field of contextCSN is "the SID".
Can anyone explain? Are they perhaps HEX? If why the large gap between to consequtive pairs..?
Curious :-)
--On Wednesday, July 5, 2023 11:17 AM +0200 cYuSeDfZfb cYuSeDfZfb cyusedfzfb@gmail.com wrote:
serverID 222 ldaps://ldapm01.company.com serverID 221 ldaps://ldapm02.company.com serverID 212 ldaps://ldapm03.company.com serverID 211 ldaps://ldapm04.company.com
And when I (quick and dirty) check contextCSN using slapcat (I know that ldapsearch is the better way) I get:
[root@ldapm04 ~]# slapcat | grep contextcsn -i contextCSN: 20180917142109.765066Z#000000#000#000000 contextCSN: 20230622151102.137085Z#000000#001#000000 contextCSN: 20230622151105.174343Z#000000#002#000000 contextCSN: 20230627112536.529432Z#000000#0dd#000000 contextCSN: 20230627112536.529512Z#000000#0de#000000
The first 2018 contextCSN is irrelevant (it has alwas been there, and I should probably try to get rid of it) but the last four seem to be the "actual" configured replication 'lines' on each node to the other three, like this:
Yet: all info I can find tells me that the third field of contextCSN is "the SID".
Can anyone explain? Are they perhaps HEX? If why the large gap between to consequtive pairs..?
So #000# is as you noted an old SID from when the system used single provider.
The SID values are indeed in hex. Your current non-zero SIDS indicate:
You have servers with SID values 001, 002 that last received a direct write operation on 2023/06/22, about 3 seconds apart.
You have servers with SID values 221 (0dd) and 222 (0de) that last received a direct write operation on 2023/06/27, during the same second.
Any server that has a different SID value that has never received a direct write operation will not appear in the list.
Regards, Quanah