What is the best wat to store user disk quotas on LDAP. I got two (and there will be more) servers running and both will authenticate on LDAP.
What are the best ways to manage user quotas with LDAP?
the debian way is:
install the package "quota" and include the /usr/share/quota/ldap/quota.schema in your ldap config.
the quota information are storage in the attribute "quota". the syntax is:
quota: /mountpoint,softlimit,hardlimit,softinode,hartinode
For more information read the manual of ldap-account-manager:
Some Perl-Scripts in /usr/share/quota/ldap/ help to manage user quota in the filesystem. Perhaps you must modify this files for your setup.
regards Torsten
Am 10.04.2013 22:03, schrieb Luis H. Forchesatto:
What is the best wat to store user disk quotas on LDAP. I got two (and there will be more) servers running and both will authenticate on LDAP.
What are the best ways to manage user quotas with LDAP?