Dear All,
How do I change attribute display order? ..(ie. sn, cn to cn, sn) ..
pls advise
thanks & regards Winanjaya
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Winanjaya - CBN wrote:
How do I change attribute display order? ..(ie. sn, cn to cn, sn) ..
Any reason why you ask this again?
You have to change that in the LDAP client application which is displaying the directory data. It's not server configuration. You already have been told this quite obvious fact a couple of days ago:
You fail to provide relevant information and you seem to be unable to track things down yourself. I give up...
Ciao, Michael.
Michael Ströder skrev, on 16-01-2008 10:39:
You fail to provide relevant information and you seem to be unable to track things down yourself. I give up...
Well, I gave up long, long ago, on various lists. There, at least, we're in total agreement ;)