Hello *,
I'm having some troubles with the rwm overlay maybe someone can give some ligths on the subject.
We have a non standard schema which in turn has an atribute pass1 that we want to use for the LDAP BIND operation. From what i've seen the BIND operation is hardcoded to use userPAssword attribute (please correct me if i'm wrong).
So what we did was the following:
we have server A with pass2 filled running on port 7001.
and server B with the following config
... database ldap suffix "dc=example,dc=org" uri "ldap://localhost:7001" overlay rwm rwm-map attribute userPassword pass2 ...
With this configuration the attribute userPassword gets filled with the content of pass2.
But if we try to make Bind search in server B with that user password it fails because it tries to make the bind in ldap://localhost:7001.
Is there a way to make the bind operation the the changed data ?
Best Regards, Rui Ramos
- -- Rui Ramos ============================================== Universidade do Porto - IRICUP Praça Gomes Teixeira, 4099-002 Porto, Portugal email: rramos[at]reit.up.pt phone: +351 22 040 8164 ==============================================