does anywhere use loadbalancer in his OpenLDAP setup?
I have two locations (data center). In each location I want install a OpenLDAP server who replicate with the other (MM N-Way) Then I want install a few (depends on the load) OpenLDAP ro replicas (replicate from the local OpenLDAP).
- In the location are setup loadbalancers who are asked from the local clients. - The loadbalancer direct the searches to the local ro replicas and writes/modifies to the local "rw Master". - Only if all local ro resources are down or have a long response time, the loadbalancer redirects the searches to the remote ro replicas. - Same way with write access, if local rw master is down, write/modify access is redirect to the remote rw master.
Is this a possible setup? What are the experiences with such setups, can you share them? Are there snares? I saw one example in the admin guide, but it shows 4 loadbalancers. Thats to much for my budget.
Thanks for help, Meike
2011/11/9 Meike Stone meike.stone@googlemail.com:
does anywhere use loadbalancer in his OpenLDAP setup?
I have two locations (data center). In each location I want install a OpenLDAP server who replicate with the other (MM N-Way) Then I want install a few (depends on the load) OpenLDAP ro replicas (replicate from the local OpenLDAP).
- In the location are setup loadbalancers who are asked from the local clients.
- The loadbalancer direct the searches to the local ro replicas and
writes/modifies to the local "rw Master".
- Only if all local ro resources are down or have a long response
time, the loadbalancer redirects the searches to the remote ro replicas.
- Same way with write access, if local rw master is down, write/modify
access is redirect to the remote rw master.
Is this a possible setup? What are the experiences with such setups, can you share them? Are there snares? I saw one example in the admin guide, but it shows 4 loadbalancers. Thats to much for my budget.
Hi Meike,
I use HAProxy to do load balancing and fail over for the LDAP service. And to manage the read/write problem, I put LDAP proxies that catch referrals and send them to the master(s).
I use HAProxy to do load balancing and fail over for the LDAP service. And to manage the read/write problem, I put LDAP proxies that catch referrals and send them to the master(s).
Hello Clément,
I see, HA-Proxy is a TCP/HTTP-Loadbalancer. You put in front of them a LDAP-Proxy to divide write/modify from read access? And so, rhe read access is balanced between the RO Replicas?
Thanks Meike!
Le 9 novembre 2011 17:05, Meike Stone meike.stone@googlemail.com a écrit :
I use HAProxy to do load balancing and fail over for the LDAP service. And to manage the read/write problem, I put LDAP proxies that catch referrals and send them to the master(s).
Hello Clément,
I see, HA-Proxy is a TCP/HTTP-Loadbalancer. You put in front of them a LDAP-Proxy to divide write/modify from read access? And so, rhe read access is balanced between the RO Replicas?
Yes, read access load balanced on RO replicas, write access in failover wiith mirror mode on RW servers.
We are running mirror mode replication with Openldap with loadbalancer.
Regards, Pradyumna
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Meike Stone meike.stone@googlemail.comwrote:
does anywhere use loadbalancer in his OpenLDAP setup?
I have two locations (data center). In each location I want install a OpenLDAP server who replicate with the other (MM N-Way) Then I want install a few (depends on the load) OpenLDAP ro replicas (replicate from the local OpenLDAP).
- In the location are setup loadbalancers who are asked from the local
- The loadbalancer direct the searches to the local ro replicas and
writes/modifies to the local "rw Master".
- Only if all local ro resources are down or have a long response
time, the loadbalancer redirects the searches to the remote ro replicas.
- Same way with write access, if local rw master is down, write/modify
access is redirect to the remote rw master.
Is this a possible setup? What are the experiences with such setups, can you share them? Are there snares? I saw one example in the admin guide, but it shows 4 loadbalancers. Thats to much for my budget.
Thanks for help, Meike
2011/11/9 pradyumna dash neomatrixgem@gmail.com:
We are running mirror mode replication with Openldap with loadbalancer.
Which loadbalancer do you use? You dont separate write/modify from searches? All LDAP traffic is "balanced between the two servers?
kindly regards Meike