Hi Quanah,
Thank you for your answer.
My boss has asked me for a tutorial due our new installation that we'll do. Then we'll update our production environment to latest version of distribution and openldap.
I've used, in my test, hdb backend because I've used default installation from yum package management. Then I'll change it to mdb in my tutorial and new installation. (I've seen, after you explanation, that OpenLDAP documentation says hdb is deprecated.)
About "olcBackend", I've understand, after your explanation, that is normal it there isn't in CentOS.
Best regards and thank you so much, -- Igor Sousa
I think default openldap-servers configuration from yum install use hdb database. How could I configure mdb database instead hdb database from yum on CentOS 7? Is it possible?
If it isn't possible: How could I migrate hdb to mdb database?
-- Igor Sousa
Em qui, 13 de jun de 2019 às 11:51, Igor Sousa igorvolt@gmail.com escreveu:
Hi Quanah,
Thank you for your answer.
My boss has asked me for a tutorial due our new installation that we'll do. Then we'll update our production environment to latest version of distribution and openldap.
I've used, in my test, hdb backend because I've used default installation from yum package management. Then I'll change it to mdb in my tutorial and new installation. (I've seen, after you explanation, that OpenLDAP documentation says hdb is deprecated.)
About "olcBackend", I've understand, after your explanation, that is normal it there isn't in CentOS.
Best regards and thank you so much,
Igor Sousa
--On Thursday, June 13, 2019 7:28 PM -0300 Igor Sousa igorvolt@gmail.com wrote:
I think default openldap-servers configuration from yum install use hdb database. How could I configure mdb database instead hdb database from yum on CentOS 7? Is it possible?
If it isn't possible: How could I migrate hdb to mdb database?
You can use mdb or hdb or bdb with RedHat's OpenLDAP build. But again, I would advise using a current OpenLDAP build and not the build provided by RedHat. There are a variety of options available to you for this:
a) My company (Symas) provides a replacement package set here: https://repo.symas.com/sofl/rhel7/. This is currently OpenLDAP 2.4.47 + post-2.4.47 fixes.
b) The LTB project provides packages here: https://ltb-project.org/documentation/openldap-rpm#yum_repository. These are "stock" 2.4.47 (I.e., no post-release fixes).
c) Build OpenLDAP yourself
Once you have a current build that satisifies your requirements, you can configure OpenLDAP however you please, including the use of back-mdb vs back-hdb. How you decide to configure the OpenLDAP server is entirely up to you, nothing mandates you use the configuration provided by the distribution, and in fact it's often most likely that you do not want to use the default configuration at all. If you need help with how to set up and configure OpenLDAP, I would advise doing such things as:
a) Reading the OpenLDAP admin guide (http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/slapdconf2.html)
b) Examining how the test suite operates and the configurations it uses
c) You may also wish to read over my blog on MMR as it gives an example of a database configuration using back-mdb and goes over various concepts you might find useful. https://mishikal.wordpress.com/2019/04/23/configuring-mmr-using-delta-syncrepl-in-openldap-updating-an-existing-standalone-configuration/
Regards, Quanah
Quanah Gibson-Mount Product Architect Symas Corporation Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: http://www.symas.com