I've tried to ask the following question in the openldap-software mailing list:
I have a beginners question: when I log in as root on one of my systems, I get quite a lot of messages of the form
request done: ld 0x5654f0 msgid 1 request done: ld 0x5654f0 msgid 2 ...
on the console. I assume that they originate from my openldap installation
- but I don't even understand the mechanism how they are send to me
(openldap was installed by my predecessor). Could someone please tell me how to get rid of these messages ?
The moderator rejected my question, giving as his reason: (I hope he doesn't mind being quoted with this)
"Given these messages occurred when you "log in", it is likely that issue relates to LDAP client software you are using to manage system log ins. Your question of "how to get rid of these" is likely lead to off-topic discussion of that LDAP client software. However, your message does at seem to relate to the use of OpenLDAP Software, hence it suggested you submit your submission to the OpenLDAP-technical list."
I must admit that I had and have have no certainty at all which software produces these messages - I only searched the internet, and saw the same messages in connection with questions other people asked about openldap. They are, though, not a direct result of me logging in - they arrive continously and even after hours of being logged on.
Could anybody tell me where these messages originate from, and how I can disable them ?
Any help will be appreciated.
Heiko Petzsch wrote:
I've tried to ask the following question in the openldap-software mailing list:
I have a beginners question: when I log in as root on one of my systems, I get quite a lot of messages of the form
request done: ld 0x5654f0 msgid 1 request done: ld 0x5654f0 msgid 2 ...
on the console. I assume that they originate from my openldap installation
- but I don't even understand the mechanism how they are send to me
(openldap was installed by my predecessor). Could someone please tell me how to get rid of these messages ?
I must admit that I had and have have no certainty at all which software produces these messages - I only searched the internet,
You should examine the ldap.conf used for your pam_ldap and/or nss_ldap and check for debug settings.
Ciao, Michael.
On May 15, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Heiko Petzsch wrote:
I've tried to ask the following question in the openldap-software mailing list:
I have a beginners question: when I log in as root on one of my systems, I get quite a lot of messages of the form
request done: ld 0x5654f0 msgid 1 request done: ld 0x5654f0 msgid 2 ...
These are likely trace messages from a LDAP client that uses the OpenLDAP client library (-lldap). As OpenLDAP client library will only produce trace messages when the LDAP client software has enabled their production, there appearance implies that some LDAP client software has enabled their production (likely due to how it was ran/ configured). They likely appear on your console due to the way logging is configured on your system.
Could anybody tell me where these messages originate from, and how I can disable them ?
They originate from some LDAP client running with "trace" debugging enabled. You could check the configurations of each LDAP client you are using to see what OpenLDAP error/debugging messaging they have enabled, and then change their configure to suit you. It may also be desirable to change your system logging configuration such that these messages are not directed to the console.
-- Kurt
Hi Michael, hi Kurt,
These are likely trace messages from a LDAP client that uses the OpenLDAP client library (-lldap).
most likely candidate for this on my system would be Samba, which does not seem to have a ldap debug setting. Anyway, setting the debug level to 0 in the ldap.conf file, and removing all log files from /var/log/ldap seems to have done the job.
Thank you for heading me in the right direction !