--On Thursday, August 29, 2013 4:17 PM +0200 ""POISSON Frédéric""
frederic.poisson@admin.gmessaging.net wrote:
Ok i have downloaded all the debuginfo package on my RHEL6.2 server, and
also i have to install with "--nodeps" options the package
glibc-debuginfo-2.12-1.47.el6_2.12.x86_64.rpm because it require the
glibc-debuginfo-common rpm package which do not found on Redhat website.
Please file an ITS at http://www.openldap.org/its on this issue.
Include your full cn=config (minus passwords), ldapmodify command, and the
full backtrace from gdb you collected.
...and be aware that your gdb backtrace may include credentials (in non-obious
encoding) also... ;-)
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Lead Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration