Trying to migrate our ldap from one server to a new one I did:
old-server# slapcat -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf > ldap.txt new-server# slapadd -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf -l ldap.txt (yes, I'm still using legacy configuration format)
Migration seems fine and tree is visible and valid using phpldapadmin, however third party applications aren't login-in/integrating with the new server.
I have narrowed it to this: - querying with admin user works in both servers
- ldapsearch -x -h old-server -b "dc=domain,dc=root" -D "uid=query,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=root" -W works and, password provided, it returns results
- ldapsearch -x -h new-server -b "dc=domain,dc=root" -D "uid=query,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=root" -W results in *result: 32 No such object *(so login works, but the query user cant find results)
Did I miss something for migration? a required step apart from copying configuration files and slapcat+slapadd?
Thanks in advance
--On Friday, April 29, 2022 3:06 PM +0200 Tan Mientras tanimientras@gmail.com wrote:
Trying to migrate our ldap from one server to a new one I did:
What OpenLDAP release was the old server running? What OpenLDAP release is the new server running?