Hello OpenLDAP users,
I have a Syncrepl setup with one master server and seven slaves. The slaves are mail servers running Postfix, SpamAssassin and Amavis as LDAP clients and have a relatively heavy load.
Every two weeks or so (not regularly) the Syncrepl stops on some of the slaves are stopping; there are no Syncrepl requests from the slaves any more.
Restarting the Slapd on the slaves fixes the problem in most cases, but sometimes some entries are not replicated until I modify them manually on the master. After that, it works fine again.
My OpenLDAP version is 2.4.23 running on SunOS 5.10 Generic_139555-08 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T1000 Solaris. The servers that are affected more often are running in non-global zone.
Any ideas would be helpful.
Thanks in advance,
Karsten Kroesch ____________________________ Internet Application Engineer Applications Operations
karsten.kroesch@swisscom.com ____________________________ Swisscom (Schweiz) AG Corporate Business Unit Müllerstrasse 16 8004 Zürich ____________________________
Affected entries, log files and configuration see below:
# # On the master:
# ldapsearch mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <dc=ip-plus, dc=net> (default) with scope subtree # filter: mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch # requesting: ALL #
# mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch, [domain-deleted].ch, vsf, ip-plus.net dn: mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus, dc=net objectClass: top objectClass: mailObject objectClass: amavisAccount mail: mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch
# search result search: 2 result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 2 # numEntries: 1
# On some of the slaves:
$ ldapsearch mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <dc=ip-plus, dc=net> (default) with scope subtree # filter: mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch # requesting: ALL #
# search result search: 2 result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 1
Log files at the time, the entries were made:
May 16 11:56:20 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:20 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=8 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:31 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:31 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=8 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:31 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 365351 local4.debug] do_syncrep2: rid=000 LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT
# 15 Seconds no action -- unusual on a server with heavy load.
May 16 11:56:46 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:46 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=8 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:46 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 977386 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY(LDAP_SYNC_ADD) May 16 11:56:46 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 580501 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 inserted UUID a36b3802-525a-1032-9442-17888436c71f May 16 11:56:46 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 565591 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_search (0) May 16 11:56:46 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 709484 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 601841 local4.debug] daemon: activity on 1 descriptor May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 300852 local4.debug] daemon: listen=8, new connection on 91 May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=8 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 368480 local4.debug] daemon: added 91r (active) listener=0 May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 848112 local4.debug] conn=35253 fd=91 ACCEPT from IP= (IP= May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 601841 local4.debug] daemon: activity on 1 descriptor May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 609413 local4.debug] daemon: waked May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=8 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 601841 local4.debug] daemon: activity on 1 descriptor May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 802679 local4.debug] daemon: activity on: May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 522297 local4.debug] 91r May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 100000 local4.debug] May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 694296 local4.debug] daemon: read activity on 91 May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=zero May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 215403 local4.debug] conn=35253 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 May 16 11:56:48 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 538834 local4.debug] daemon: select: listen=8 active_threads=0 tvp=zero
May 17 08:43:18 v-vsf4 slapd[14302]: [ID 515743 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_add mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net (0) May 17 08:43:34 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 709484 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net May 17 08:43:34 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 515743 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_add mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net (68) May 17 08:43:34 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 933660 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_modify mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net (0) May 17 08:43:47 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 338579 local4.debug] nonpresent_callback: rid=000 nonpresent UUID a36b3802-525a-1032-9442-17888436c71f, dn mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net May 17 08:43:48 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 905397 local4.debug] syncrepl_del_nonpresent: rid=000 be_delete mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net (0) May 17 10:11:05 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 469902 local4.debug] conn=1480 op=1 SRCH base="dc=ip-plus,dc=net" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch)" May 17 10:39:39 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 469902 local4.debug] conn=1595 op=1 SRCH base="dc=ip-plus,dc=net" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch)" May 17 10:41:15 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 469902 local4.debug] conn=1599 op=1 SRCH base="dc=ip-plus,dc=net" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch)" May 17 10:41:22 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 709484 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net May 17 10:41:22 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 515743 local4.debug] syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_add mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net (0) May 17 10:41:37 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 469902 local4.debug] conn=1601 op=1 SRCH base="dc=ip-plus,dc=net" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch)" May 17 10:41:37 v-vsf4 slapd[3312]: [ID 580335 local4.debug] conn=1601 op=1 ENTRY dn="mail=mthudianplackal@[domain-deleted].ch,dc=[domain-deleted].ch,ou=vsf,dc=ip-plus,dc=net"
Master configuration:
# See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options. # This file should NOT be world readable. # include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema include /etc/openldap/schema/openldap.schema include /etc/openldap/schema/amavisd-new.schema include /etc/openldap/schema/ipplus.schema
pidfile /var/run/slapd.pid argsfile /var/run/slapd.args
# allow ldap protocol v2 allow bind_v2
# debug level loglevel 256
####################################################################### # ldbm database definitions #######################################################################
database bdb suffix "dc=ip-plus,dc=net" rootdn "cn=root,dc=ip-plus,dc=net" # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should # be avoid. See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details. # Use of strong authentication encouraged. rootpw swisscom # The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND # should only be accessible by the slapd/tools. Mode 700 recommended. directory /var/openldap-data # Indices to maintain index objectclass,entryCSN,entryUUID eq index dc,cn,mail eq
####################################################################### # replication #######################################################################
overlay syncprov syncprov-checkpoint 100 10 syncprov-sessionlog 100
On the slaves, the config looks like:
[ ... same as above, execpt replication: ]
####################################################################### # replication #######################################################################
syncrepl rid=0 provider=ldap://v-ldapmaster-lan:389 type=refreshOnly interval=00:00:00:15 searchbase="dc=ip-plus,dc=net" filter="(objectClass=*)" scope=sub attrs="*" bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=root,dc=ip-plus,dc=net" credentials=swisscom schemachecking=off retry="5 +"