I have a requirement to search CERT entry based on given email address.
FYI. I am trying to load following file but it is giving me an error.
Error while importing LDIF - [LDAP: error code 21 - userCertificate;binary: value #0 invalid per syntax] java.lang.Exception: [LDAP: error code 21 - userCertificate;binary: value #0 invalid per syntax
The certificate file and LDIF file are as attached.
-Jignesh On Mar 11, 2013, at 12:00 PM, Marc Patermann wrote:
Jignesh Patel schrieb (11.03.2013 00:51 Uhr):
How to configure s/mime with openldap 2.4.23?
What do you think S/MIME - "Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions" - is for and how is this related to openldap?
Your certificate is fine, your LDIF file is incorrect.
"userCertificate;binary: terreta.der" should be changed either into:
userCertificate;binary:< file://path/to/terreta.der or userCertificate;binary:: base64 of your terreta.der file
2013/3/11 Jignesh Patel jignesh@icare.com
I have a requirement to search CERT entry based on given email address.
FYI. I am trying to load following file but it is giving me an error.
Error while importing LDIF
- [LDAP: error code 21 - userCertificate;binary: value #0 invalid per
syntax] java.lang.Exception: [LDAP: error code 21 - userCertificate;binary: value #0 invalid per syntax
The certificate file and LDIF file are as attached.
On Mar 11, 2013, at 12:00 PM, Marc Patermann wrote:
Jignesh Patel schrieb (11.03.2013 00:51 Uhr):
How to configure s/mime with openldap 2.4.23?
What do you think S/MIME - "Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions"
- is for and how is this related to openldap?
Thanks Erwann,
Still same error:
dn: uid=provider,ou=people,dc=company,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson cn: Provider sn: provider mail: terretta@group.md uid: provider userCertificate;binary:: <file://Users/jignesh/install/direct/tools/terretta.der
On Mar 11, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Erwann Abalea wrote:
Your certificate is fine, your LDIF file is incorrect.
"userCertificate;binary: terreta.der" should be changed either into:
userCertificate;binary:< file://path/to/terreta.der or userCertificate;binary:: base64 of your terreta.der file
2013/3/11 Jignesh Patel jignesh@icare.com I have a requirement to search CERT entry based on given email address.
FYI. I am trying to load following file but it is giving me an error.
Error while importing LDIF
- [LDAP: error code 21 - userCertificate;binary: value #0 invalid per syntax]
java.lang.Exception: [LDAP: error code 21 - userCertificate;binary: value #0 invalid per syntax
The certificate file and LDIF file are as attached.
On Mar 11, 2013, at 12:00 PM, Marc Patermann wrote:
Jignesh Patel schrieb (11.03.2013 00:51 Uhr):
How to configure s/mime with openldap 2.4.23?
What do you think S/MIME - "Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions" - is for and how is this related to openldap?
-- Erwann.
I also tried following
dn: uid=provider,ou=people,dc=groupmd,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson cn: Provider sn: provider mail: terretta@group.md uid: provider userCertificate;binary:: MIIDdzCCAuCgAwIBAgIIEVQGxMF17akwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwfTEbMBkGCSqG SIb3DQEJARYMYm9iQGdyb3VwLm1kMRgwFgYDVQQDDA9Hcm91cE1EIFJvb3QgQ0Ex CzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQIDAJGTDEYMBYGA1UEBwwPRm9ydCBMYXVkZXJk YWxlMRAwDgYDVQQKDAdHcm91cE1EMB4XDTEzMDMxMTE5MzQyNloXDTE0MDMxMTE5 MzQyNlowezEgMB4GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYRdGVycmV0dGFAZ3JvdXAubWQxETAPBgNV BAMMCHByb3ZpZGVyMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECAwCRkwxGDAWBgNVBAcM D0ZvcnQgTGF1ZGVyZGFsZTEQMA4GA1UECgwHR3JvdXBNRDCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAvqNBLl8z7UWYpM2nZ2ud36AwUiMa0OxFtJ+jI7Lv81iM 7uOSW+u4euowPAG8olzd7BJWLtqSv61bfIN6htrZIBCQmhE6G+YUq4dSMAgQY6In Kcq44knFVBTkNBygdX6MiEazA3Bkclq4z5Ky48meMa9dbGV/EZT8xMm/27ITgJsC AwEAAaOCAQAwgf0wga8GA1UdIwSBpzCBpIAUNj2Cs9WDPCHmJnaNO4218uLYSHmh gYGkfzB9MRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxib2JAZ3JvdXAubWQxGDAWBgNVBAMMD0dy b3VwTUQgUm9vdCBDQTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgMAkZMMRgwFgYDVQQH DA9Gb3J0IExhdWRlcmRhbGUxEDAOBgNVBAoMB0dyb3VwTUSCCGtq5sU6YV+5MB0G A1UdDgQWBBTfm81Nq0qAbF11znAmUOLnfFMY+TAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMBwGA1Ud EQQVMBOBEXRlcnJldHRhQGdyb3VwLm1kMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBAHy/+/2b wf5sYvJ8IRUzkjFo5y2on14D4YiPnhS2LNGx/t0qc3ljqL+ycGKOGLBmSA4bG9E2 t882uGrzaVIROT9FTgAUMATiEH2VC2uAOMeSW4I7nmE5QJ2znKcJM97E9FUra98/ m2x5wr9ph1XBmKFhf4iuRWE1NYZ2fdCxfKKb
but that gives me following error Error while importing LDIF - Record is invalid: Missing value type ':', '::' or ':<' javax.naming.NamingException: Record is invalid: Missing value type ':', '::' or ':<'
On Mar 11, 2013, at 5:50 PM, Jignesh Patel wrote:
Thanks Erwann,
Still same error:
dn: uid=provider,ou=people,dc=company,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson cn: Provider sn: provider mail: terretta@group.md uid: provider userCertificate;binary:: <file://Users/jignesh/install/direct/tools/terretta.der
On Mar 11, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Erwann Abalea wrote:
Your certificate is fine, your LDIF file is incorrect.
"userCertificate;binary: terreta.der" should be changed either into:
userCertificate;binary:< file://path/to/terreta.der or userCertificate;binary:: base64 of your terreta.der file
2013/3/11 Jignesh Patel jignesh@icare.com I have a requirement to search CERT entry based on given email address.
FYI. I am trying to load following file but it is giving me an error.
Error while importing LDIF
- [LDAP: error code 21 - userCertificate;binary: value #0 invalid per syntax]
java.lang.Exception: [LDAP: error code 21 - userCertificate;binary: value #0 invalid per syntax
The certificate file and LDIF file are as attached.
On Mar 11, 2013, at 12:00 PM, Marc Patermann wrote:
Jignesh Patel schrieb (11.03.2013 00:51 Uhr):
How to configure s/mime with openldap 2.4.23?
What do you think S/MIME - "Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions" - is for and how is this related to openldap?
-- Erwann.
For values lasting several lines (like your certificate), prefix each line after the first by a space or tab character. This space or tab character will be stripped by whatever you feed your ldif with.
2013/3/12 Jignesh Patel jignesh@icare.com
but that gives me following error Error while importing LDIF
- Record is invalid: Missing value type ':', '::' or ':<'
javax.naming.NamingException: Record is invalid: Missing value type ':', '::' or ':<'
":: <URL" is not equal to ":< URL".
man ldif is instructive.
2013/3/11 Jignesh Patel jignesh@icare.com
userCertificate;binary:: < file://Users/jignesh/install/direct/tools/terretta.der
On Mar 11, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Erwann Abalea wrote:
userCertificate;binary:< file://path/to/terreta.der