Abdelkader Chelouah a.chelouah@gmail.com schrieb am 02.05.2020 um 23:26 in
Nachricht <30537_1588524939_5EAEF789_30537_298_1_913c1269-d74f-9b81-9715-9d956d39f12a@gmai .com>:
Since the upgrade to RHEL 7.7, my openldap service with property |Type=forking| and property |PIDFile| defined doesn't start and its status shows the following error messages:
May 02 20:02:57 systemd[1]: New main PID 445254 does not belong to service, and PID file is not owned by root. Refusing.
Is it due to the fact that PIDs are larger than they used to be?
Actually, slapd is started with -u ldap -g ldap options, so the owner of the pid file slapd.pid is ldap. The problem was introduced by |systemd-219-67| to fix the security issue CVE-2018-16888. See https://access.redhat.com/solutions/4420581 for more details.
Is there a way to overcome this issue ?