I have a provider server and five consumer servers, all of which have the memberOf overlay configured:
overlay memberof memberof-group-oc groupOfUniqueNames memberof-member-ad uniqueMember memberof-refint true memberof-dangling ignore
syncrepl rid=005 provider=ldap://<server>:389 type=refreshAndPersist interval=00:00:05:00 retry="60 10 600 +" searchbase="dc=<removed>,dc=<removed>" filter="(objectClass=*)" scope=sub attrs="*" schemachecking=off starttls=no bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=replica,dc=<removed>,dc=<removed>" credentials=<removed>
When I bring a new replica online, it appears that entries are replicated in the order that they were created on the provider server which produces many "memberof_value_modify failed err=32" messages in the log, and incomplete memberOf data. To get around this, I wrote a script which empties all groups prior to replication, and then recreates the memberships after the initial replication. This seems to work, but is hardly ideal. Is there a "more correct" way of replicating memberOf values without manipulating my provider each time I bring up a new consumer?
Thank you very much, Todd