On 05.08.2014, at 15:00, Dieter Klünter dieter@dkluenter.de wrote:
Am Tue, 5 Aug 2014 13:39:13 +0200 schrieb Simeon Ott simeon.ott@onnet.ch:
On 05.08.2014, at 11:39, Dieter Klünter dieter@dkluenter.de wrote:
Am Tue, 5 Aug 2014 09:41:36 +0200 schrieb Simeon Ott simeon.ott@onnet.ch:
[…] by dn.base,expand="cn=postmaster,ou=$2,ou=domains,dc=mydomain" write by
- read access to * by dn.base="cn=admin,dc=mydomain" write by * read
ACL rule 4 allows the postmaster to add objects to it's "domain" without any restrictions. How can i restrict the object creation to specific object classes and attributes? Let's say postmaster should only be able to add objects like the following:
[...] man slapd.access(5), the <WHAT> field: @<objectClass>
Thanks Dieter, I tried the following already … instead of rule 3 and 4 i used the following:
access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?ou=(.+),ou=domains,dc=intra,dc=onnet,dc=ch$" attrs=@CourierMailAccount,@inetOrgPerson,@top,@Vacation,entry,vacationInfo,smtpRelayFlag,description,vacationForward,displayName,givenName,homePhone,homePostalAddress,initials,mobile,postalAddress,postalCode,l,telephoneNumber,title by self write by dn.base,expand="cn=postmaster,ou=$2,ou=domains,dc=intra,dc=onnet,dc=ch" write by * read
access to dn.regex="^ou=(.+),ou=domains,dc=intra,dc=onnet,dc=ch$" attrs=children by dn.base,expand="cn=postmaster,ou=$1,ou=domains,dc=intra,dc=onnet,dc=ch" write by * read
As postmaster I'm still able to add objects to it's domain. But I'm also able to add other objectclasses and attributes.
I think I mess around with the attributes entry and children – anyone help me cleaning up? :-)
run slapd in debugging mode acl and watch the rule number applied to a write operation.
Okay, this didn't really help, but thanks anyway. I'm not familiar with reading those logs. i adjusted the loglevel to 128 to see the acl processing. but it's still a huge amount of log lines when adding such an ldif. i thought it's gonna be an easy task.