ashish mahamuni writes:
I've define my own schema(couple of classes and attributes).... it looks like below...
attributetype ( NAME 'epType' SUP name )
attributetype ( NAME 'agencyIcon' SUP jpegPhoto )
I want to store icon file in agencyIcon attribute... So I added below line for agencyIcon in ldif file .........
agencyIcon;binary: < file:///root/jbuilder.ico
When I execute command:
slapadd -l init.ldif
I get error as.....
<= str2entry: str2ad(version): attribute type undefined slapadd: could not parse entry (line=8)
When I use ldapadd/ldapmodify I get following error
ldap_add: Undefined attribute type (17) additional info: agencyIcon;binary: option "binary" not supported with type
Your attribute type agencyIcon inherites syntax from attribute type jpegPhoto, thus the binary extension is invalid.