On 21/05/14 11:33, Jonas Israelsson wrote:
We have some challenges regarding Server Side Sorting, where is does not really sort the way we want it to. In UTF-8 the character Ä/ä (c3 85/c3 a4) comes before Å/å (c3 84/c3 a5) whereas in our (swedish) alphabetic order it should be the other way around.
Server Side Sorting seem to blindly fall back on the sorting order of UTF-8
isrjo@svarde:~> ldapsearch -E 'sss=sn:caseIgnoreOrderingMatch' -x -H ldaps://myserver:636 -D uid=myuser,ou=applications,o=myorg -w mypass -b ou=people,o=myorg -s sub gn=sortme sn gn description
# extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <ou=people,o=myorg> with scope subtree # filter: gn=sortme # requesting: sn gn description # with server side sorting control #
# angla, people, Myorg dn:uid=angla,ou=people,o=Myorg givenName: sortme sn:: w4RuZ2x1bmQ= description: SN BEGINNING WITH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
# 19f98ab4-7beb-4703-82ec-df970944ef30, people, Myorg dn: cn=19f98ab4-7beb-4703-82ec-df970944ef30,ou=people,o=Myorg sn:: w4VrZXNzb24= givenName: sortme description: SN BIGGING WITH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
# search result search: 2 result: 0 Success control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474 false MAMKAQA= sortResult: (0) Success
# numResponses: 3 # numEntries: 2
I fail in openldap to find any matching rule or any other way such as setting the locale before starting the slapd daemon that changes the sorting order. Does anyone know if it is possible to specify a locale dependent collation for server side sorting?
Rgds Jonas
Anyone ?