--On Tuesday, December 7, 2021 7:15 PM +0100 Stefan Kania stefan@kania-online.de wrote:
The documentation clearly states that for cn=config replication, the serverID must be in # URI format.
olcServerID: 1 ldap://ldap01.example.net olcServerID: 2 ldap://ldap02.example.net olcServerID: 3 ldap://ldap03.example.net olcServerID: 4 ldap://ldap04.example.net
It's URI format or not?
It is, but that's from a MOD. The configs don't start *out* that way.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Product Architect Symas Corporation Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: http://www.symas.com