Documentation such as [1] notes that there is a one-to-one correspondence between slapd.conf directives and slapd-config database attributes. However it's not always completely clear just what the mapping is.
For example, both [2] and slapo-syncprov(5) describe syncprov-checkpoint. This corresponds to the attribute olcSpCheckpoint, but I can't find where it is I learned that mapping (I probably stumbled across it via [3]), so can't point to chapter and verse in my own documentation and notes.
I would have thought the documentation for the olcSyncProvConfig objectClass would explain this, but I can't find any such documentation, nor even a schema for that objectClass [4].
The problem (and my puzzlement) is not unique to the syncprov overlay.
Best wishes,
[1] [2] [3] [4] Ie, grep -i syncprov /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/* (and similar) produces nothing.