Am Wed, 18 Dec 2013 19:19:45 +0000 schrieb David Barr
Thank you, Perfec, Dieter. I cannot compile the version. I have tried several suggested methods from internet to test the policy, none work as I get syntax error. Suggestions?
Example: openldapwhoami -e ppolicy -X -D "cn=Manager,dc=$DC1,dc=$DC2" "uid=$U" ldapsearch -e ppolicy -D "uid=user02,ou=People,dc=training,dc=com" -W
Is there a command to see what policies are loaded via slapd.conf ?
As I mentioned already, slapd -VVV shows the static build in modules and backends. If ppolicy is not statically build in and not available as dynamic loadable module, which you may find in a library subdirectory, than there is no chance to implement a password policy. Just as an example:
/usr/lib/openldap> ./slapd -VVV @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.38
Included static overlays: ppolicy syncprov Included static backends: config ldif monitor bdb hdb ldap mdb relay