I am very excited about testing this new 2.5.X version. Thank you for the release!
Just testing out the prepackaged versions on a clean rocky linux install Specifically: https://repo.symas.com/soldap/rhel8/
Without doing any configuration, I attempted to start the slapd but /opt/symas/etc/openldap/slapd.conf did not exist, since it was /opt/symas/etc/openldap/slapd.conf.default . Which was an easy name change. After that the slapd service started without issues.
My question is, why are the pkg files now under /opt?
Before, at least in the symas-openldap pkg for 2.4.X they were installed under /etc/, /var/lib/, /usr/bin, etc. I'm assuming this was because it was meant to replace the RedHat openldap pkg.. yes? But now there is no RedHad openldap pkg for rhel8 so there is nothing to replace...
Thank you, Dave