Am Wed, 27 Nov 2013 09:09:35 +0100 schrieb "Ulrich Windl"
I found out why I never was successful with cn=monitor: By default '*' attributes show almost nothing; you'll have to use '+' attributes (in my version at least). I'm not very happy with the decision, because you'll get the truely operational attributes also. If the whole subtree cn=Monitor is invisible in naming contexts, I see little reason to hide the "normal" attributes as operational in the whole subtree.
Seeing those operational atributes, I noticed that "creatorsName" and "modifiersName" are both present but have an empty value. That doesn't look very nice, especially as createTimestamp and modifyTimestamp do have proper values.
RFC-4512 requires that this attributes must be present in every entry.
Using monitoredObject for all monitored values gives a unique interface, but having all possible results in monitoredInfo is not very usable, especially if there's no description. For example (some attributes removed for brevity): --- dn: cn=Uptime,cn=Time,cn=Monitor structuralObjectClass: monitoredObject monitoredInfo: 153543 hasSubordinates: FALSE
It's not clear (denying the obvious) what the units of uptime are: seconds, minutes, etc. It seems to me that "monitoredType" or "monitoredInfoType" and "monitoredUnit" (for measurable infos) are missing.
Shouldn't "monitorCounter" be named "monitoredCounter" to use the same pattern as "monitoredInfo"?
I could not find the schema for the monitoring objects in any file. Can I retrieve a readable schema from openLDAP?
it is in the source code, see openldap/servers/slapd/back-monitor/README and back-monitor.h