Hi Quanah,
Thank you for your feedback. It was most helpful.
On 10/28/2013 06:14 PM, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote: [snip]
Why do you have your cn=config db reading from the same accesslog for replication as your primary DB?
If you are going to set up cn=config AND your primary db both as delta-syncrepl, you're going to need 2 different accesslog DBs.
Got it.
I would also note your cn=config DB is completely missing the accesslog overlay.
Double doh. The result of too much changing things around I guess.
Personally, I've never done replicated cn=config, with or without delta-syncrepl. I would focus on just getting replication to work for your primary DB first.
The reason that I went down this road is because it's described that way in the Admin Guide: http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/guide.html#N-Way%20Multi-Master
After I fixed the issues you pointed out I've now got delta-syncrepl replication working of both cn=config and the main database. Or at least it seems so :-)
Now if I understand that multi-master config example in the Admin Guide correctly (see link above) it should also be possible to use this config:
ldap01: config with cn=config + syncprov & accesslog overlays and the main mdb + syncprov & accesslog overlays. Both with olcMirrorMode: TRUE
ldap02: config with cn=config + syncprov & accesslog overlays with olcMirrorMode: TRUE
And when ldap02 is started it should sync the entire config from ldap01 (including the main database) and also replicate the data in the main database. At least that is how I read the sentence "We still have to replicate the actual data, not just the config, so add to the master (all active and configured consumers/masters will pull down this config, as they are all syncing)". Is my interpretation correct?
Regards, Patrick