I have multiple v. 2.4.23 and 2.4.26 servers doing the master-slave replication using syncrepl.
The main server contains multiple subordinate DIT-s that get replicated to different servers:
* DIT1 from master to server A, B, C * DIT2 from master to server D, E, F * DIT3 from master to server G
Now I would like also to setup the cn=config replication. Actually the most important for me would be the cn=schema,cn=config since everything else is rather static.
What would be the best setup with minimal configuration settings/values duplication?
There are many howtos on the net how to sync only cn=schema,cn=config, but putting the olcSyncrepl value to olcDatabase={0}config will make the whole DB shadowed and redirect the database config changes to master server which is not the reasonable solution.
The best solution would be when the cn=schema,cn=config (and maybe olso the proper olcDatabase subtree) would be synchronized with the master. All the rest of the config database should be locally manageable.
I read about the suffixmassage, but this needs ldap server upgrade on 2.4.23 servers (there is no package in debian 6.0.3 for that). And as far as I understand it also requires separate cn=config,cn=slave subtrees on the server with duplicated database configuration and acl definitions etc.
I simply try to find the best solution to hit as much problems at once as I can and reduce the config overhead as much as possible.
Could you please advise what are my options?