Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de schrieb am 28.08.2022 um
18:08 in Nachricht ca139874-296b-4a2e-bb7a-ac32d9a8b7f4@rz.uni-regensburg.de:
Good catch! I overlooked that! I'll try with that change and report.
Of course that was it! Worked now. Sorry for the noise, but I didn't see it before, even when looking at it.
Thanks, Ulrich
26.08.2022 21:09:16 John C. Pfeifer pfeifer@umd.edu:
Doesn’t it need to be:
newrdn: cn=subntbcst-tftp@247/tcp
// John Pfeifer Division of Information Technology University of Maryland, College Park
On Aug 26, 2022, at 7:29 AM, Ulrich Windl
I'm programming some automated changes to our LDAP database, and I have
# Error: Invalid DN syntax (34), additional info: invalid new RDN dn: cn=subntbcst_tftp@247/tcp,dc=services,dc=net,dc=...,dc=de changetype: modrdn newrdn: subntbcst-tftp@247/tcp deleteoldrdn: 1
So is the new RDN "subntbcst-tftp@247/tcp" really invalid? If so it seems
older version of OpenLDAP accepted that as we have such an entry:
dn: cn=subntbcst_tftp@247/tcp,dc=services,dc=net,dc=...,dc=de objectClass: ipService cn: subntbcst_tftp cn: subntbcst_tftp@247/tcp createTimestamp: 20130719093351Z ...
I saw this exaple in RFC 2849 (so I thought my LDIF shuld be OK):
# Modify an entry’s relative distinguished name dn: cn=Paul Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com changetype: modrdn newrdn: cn=Paula Jensen deleteoldrdn: 1
Regards, Ulrich