Hi Quanah,
On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 01:03:42PM -0800, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
but he wrote the answer for MULTI-VALUE's attribute, but I'm useing SINGLE-VALUE - or em I missing?
This is clearly multiple values for the "olcAttributeTypes" attribute:
dn: cn={5}cppm,cn=schema,cn=config changetype: modify replace: olcAttributeTypes olcAttributeTypes: {0}( cppmAttrs:1 NAME 'cppmCreateTime' DESC 'Create time' SYNTAX{20} SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: {5}( cppmAttrs:6 NAME 'cppmExpireTime' DESC 'Expire time' SYNTAX{20} SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: {7}( cppmAttrs:8 NAME 'cppmActivationTime' DESC 'Activati on time' SYNTAX{20} SINGLE-VALUE )
You supplied 3 values for it with a replace operation. Which means *only* those 3 values now exist for that object.
thanks - now it's clear.
Just one question: is it possible to change its types with delete and re-add again, instead of replace?