On 02/19/15 11:54 -0300, Fabián M Sales wrote:
I am creating users in LDAP and I assign different UID and GUI. For example.
What utility or process are you using to create these entries?
uid = _16661_ (user1) gid = _16664_ (user1) groups = _16664_ (user1)
I need that when the user is created is created with the same UID and GID for user created.
as I do this?
I would love for it to be so:
uid = _16664_ (user1) gid = _16664_ (user1) groups = _16664_ (user1)
The values entered for uid/gid into your ldap directory are up to you (and the tools you use). If you wish to limit or restrict the values that can be used, see slapo-constraint(5) and slapo-unique(5).