I have a question for the following log messages: slapd[2215]: connection_input: conn=144871 deferring operation: too many executing slapd[2215]: connection_input: conn=144871 deferring operation: pending operations slapd[2215]: connection_input: conn=144871 deferring operation: pending operations
What is "too many", i.e. where is that limit configured? Is it possible to tell how many "pending operations" there are?
Finally: It seems slapd "drives against the wall hard", meaning it runs at full speed until the limit is reached, the refuses any more connection/operation. Is it possible to activate (configure) a "soft knee" behavior, where after reaching a specified limit of connections or operations rate slapd starts responding increasingly slower? That would help load balancers to select a different server in time...
Regards, Ulrich