Michael Ströder michael@stroeder.com schrieb am 11.08.2021 um 19:48 in
Nachricht ca664de9-8352-efca-4237-16a5b29a98ee@stroeder.com:
I'm looking at a Prometheus graph of cn=Read,cn=Waiters,cn=Monitor (slapd 2.4.59).
The object class is monitorCounterObject, the attribute is called monitorCounter.
If it's a counter I'd expect the value to only increase.
But the graph shows decreasing values!?!
What's the exact meaning of this?
My guess is that it's a "gauge", not a "counter".
Seeing: # Read, Waiters, Monitor dn: cn=Read,cn=Waiters,cn=Monitor monitorCounter: 15
here I guess it's the number of read threads waiting.
# Waiters, Monitor dn: cn=Waiters,cn=Monitor description: This subsystem contains information about read/write waiters.
Regards, Ulrich
Ciao, Michael.