David.CTR.Muench@faa.gov wrote:
A colleague suggested something that seems to be an indicator:
- an add of "dn: uid=DCM11,ou=People,o=XXXX" works fine
- an add of "dn: uid=DCM1123,ou=People,o=XXXX" works fine
- an add of "dn: uid=DCM11234,ou=People,o=USNS" does *not* work
So it seems that "uid" values with lengths over 7 characters fail. Yeah, this seems plenty odd to me, but I've created\tested\deleted DBs multiple times over and this still happens consistently.
I don't know how to check-out version of dbd, but adding uid longer than 7 characters works for us. I've used inetOrgPerson (and adjecent). The only packages I've found are db44-4.4.20 and db42-4.2.52. OpenLDAP 2.4.16 at GNU/Linux.
So much for quick check-out.
Regards, Zdenek