--On Tuesday, April 5, 2022 3:10 PM +0800 David Timber dxdt@dev.snart.me wrote:
slaptest has to be used to convert schema to ldif, which is in no way intuitive and convenient.
As Ondrej noted, it does not in fact have to be used to convert schema from the older slapd.conf format to cn=config format, he provided a trivial example of how to do so with perl.
The issue you seem to be unhappy about is that not everyone who provides schema for use with OpenLDAP has taken the time to provide both slapd.conf and cn=config formatted versions. There's nothing the project can do about that other than what it has already done -- Provide a tool to do a one time conversion process. But it is not the only way to do this.
Regards, Quanah