--On Wednesday, July 13, 2022 4:04 PM +0000 Tri Tu mtritu@yahoo.com wrote:
I understand that with the pcacheOffline TRUE and the cache contents can be use indefinitely but its cache data never get refresh with remote DSA. It's not really useful once user is login 1st time and their user attributes would not get refresh with DSA after that.
But the default configuration option of pcacheOffline FALSE, pcache would use the local cached data, refresh with remote DSA and continues to response with its cached data when the DSA is cut off/unreachable. However if remote DSA is offline and the existing cached is expired, the client would get the respond with error "Proxy operation retry failed" as "cache is stale", pcache is checking with remote DSA for refresh but remote DSA is unreacheable offline.
Can we continue to use the existing expired cached data (the cache contents to be used indefinitely) with pcacheOffline FALSE until remote DSA is back online (days/weeks later)?
You fail to note what version of OpenLDAP you're using which is an important piece of information to provide.
Regards, Quanah