On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 09:51 -0500, Madhusudan Singh wrote:
The client is an OpenSuSE 11.2 machine that has a nss_ldap installed (along with pam_ldap). The IT folks also installed a binary-only module that permits the authentication to the University LDAP server. That is why I am using an old version of OpenSuSE.
You could give nss-pam-ldapd a try and copy the config from nss_ldap and pam_ldap. It has a fancy syntax to overwrite certain attributes. E.g. you could give all LDAP users a local home directory with map passwd homeDirectory /home/CAMPUS/$uid
You can keep using pam_ldap if you like. Information about home directories, user names, etc are provided by the NSS module, the PAM module is responsible for authentication and password change.