Hi Friends,
I have setup N-Way multi provider with 3 providers all using delta sync as suggested to me previously on this forum. I'd like to report that I am seeing more expected results this time around when loading from a backup database and turning on replication so thank you for the suggestions.
I would like to describe the behavior I am seeing in hopes to confirm this is expected and proper behavior in 3-Way Multi Master provider persistent delta sync configuration. I have provider1, provider2, provider3 all configured to replicate from each other with refresh and persist delta sync repl.
When I issue a write to provider 1 I see it send the update to provider2 and provider3. I then see provider2 and provider3 "syncprov_qresp: set up a new syncres mode=1" for each consumer that is connected to them (including the other provider that did not send the write). Provider 2 then sends a message to provider 3 that ignores it because "CSN too old, ignoring 20210410001522.122666Z#000000#065#000000 (reqStart=20210410001522.000001Z,cn=accesslog)". At the same time provider 3 sends a message to Provider 2 that gets ignored in the same way.
Since it is expected that all consumers know about all providers it is perplexing to me why the providers "forward" the update along to its own known consumers. It seems this could be expected given my amateur ldap knowledge but I wanted to confirm because I don't immediately understand why that behavior is necessary (results in ignored messages).
Thank you for your consideration Thomas